NBYTH is a place for 6th - 12th graders to meet with Jesus, hear from Jesus, and respond to Jesus with friends and leaders who believe in them. We believe God has an incredible plan for our students. Influence isn’t defined by age, so our desire is to equip our students with a good understanding of who God is and who we are in Christ to change the world around us - whether that’s at school, on a team, at home, or even at church!


We want to make sure to thank all of you who are helping to support our fundraisers to get us to State Youth Camps and the International Youth Conventions. Your generosity is a tremendous blessing to the youth of our congregation and we all appreciate you very much!

Num Num Num Num....
Num Num Num Num....
Danny giving basketball tips.
Danny giving basketball tips.
Bring it Pastor Tim!
Bring it Pastor Tim!
Birdie song?
Birdie song?


4770 Montgomery Blvd NE


11:00 AM


7:00 PM


A high energy environment with conversations ranging from superheroes, anime, video games, sports, and the Bible! Be prepared to be greeted as if you were already part of our family! New Beginnings Youth are an active bunch of kids and leaders and there is no doubt you would find a place to belong with us within a visit or two.


NBYOUTH: Ages middle school through high school students.
Youth Worship Center & Recreation Area is to the right of the mall.
Need help? Call the church office: (505)883-9079, M-F, 9am - 5pm


Invite your friends! We reach out to students in the church and the unchurched youth in the community by engaging them with the gospel. We want you to belong and get involved in the broader church family in support of the vision of the church: Reach Up. Reach In. Reach Out. NBC YOUTH leads the church’s effort to minister with and to teens in middle school and high school.


Come an see what God is doing.