Jessica Ramirez, Children's Minister and Student Ministries Supervisor, is just as enthusiastic as our kids are and always ready to bring the fun in! She is passionate about teaching kids about God's love and reminding them to watch for God! Jessica is committed to make a change in the lives of children and working with families to be united and part of a community. Jessica has a Masters Degree in Social Work and has a history in working with different groups of people in all walks of life. She is excited to continue learning and serving God's Kingdom in any way He directs.
Sunday Lesson 01/26
NBKIDS parents be sure to join us this Sunday for service. This Sunday in NBKIDS at 9 and 11 we will be talking about Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10 . Please make sure you talk to your kids about it afterwards! Make sure your kids attend!
New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd ABQ NM 87109. Below is some info on what we went over and the short video we watched to accompany our lesson. Watch with your kids and partner with us to teach your kids the Bible!
OBJECTIVE: Kids will identify one thing they can do to grow closer with Jesus.
KEY PASSAGE: John 1:35-42, John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
MEMORY VERSE: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Psalm 19:1
IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Caterpillars are bugs with a promise: one day, they will be butterflies. Jesus’ disciples were simple fishermen when they first met him, but Jesus would transform them just as he can transform us. John 1:35-42, John’s Disciples Follow Jesus
HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Caterpillars are not “done.” One day they will be transformed into butterflies. Can you and the kids think of other things in nature or elsewhere that are waiting to be changed like caterpillars? How does God change us like caterpillars?
AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters:
- Who were some of the first disciples Jesus chose?
- How did God use these men to do great things?
- What are some things you can do to prepare yourself for God’s plans?
AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Psalm 19:1 (NIV)
PARENT TIME: What you need to know: In this new series, kids will learn some lessons about following Christ through studying bugs. It is our prayer that your kids will be like caterpillars, eating up what God has to teach them so that he can transform them!
Wednesday Lesson 1/22
NBKIDS parents this evening we will have service at 7 PM. New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd Abq NM 87109. We only watch a small part of this video, if your kids want to watch the whole thing go ahead and share it with them!
Join Sunny and Chase and become GeoQuesters for an adventure around the world! Along the way we’ll learn about an amazing name of God! The GeoQ app will drop Sunny and Chase in a new and exciting location, and kids will get to help them figure out where they are … because they never know where they’re going until they get there! Once they land, we’ll play a game to figure out their location then hunt for a souvenir. Each time your child helps Sunny and Chase find a souvenir, it unlocks a clue about our next quest! Where could we be going this week? Here’s a hint: it’s the land of sand and mummies!
Need to Know: God Is My Healer
Bible Story: Hezekiah
Bible Reference: 2 Kings 20:1-11
As your child watches this video, we want them to have fun and learn about Jesus on their level. We love to bring stories from the Bible to life because we want your child to know that it is the most amazing book that’s ever been written!
NBKIDS parents be sure to join us this Sunday for service. This Sunday in NBKIDS at 9 and 11 we will be talking about Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10 . Please make sure you talk to your kids about it afterwards! Make sure your kids attend!
New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd ABQ NM 87109. Below is some info on what we went over and the short video we watched to accompany our lesson. Watch with your kids and partner with us to teach your kids the Bible!
IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Even though Paul was a prisoner on a boat, he was strong in the Lord and never lost heart. When everyone around him was panicking about the shipwrecked boat, Paul relied on the confidence and strength that God had given him to get through. Use brown bricks to build the boat Paul was in that wasn’t strong enough to withstand the storm. Acts 27:9-44, Paul is Shipwrecked
HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Review your family’s emergency action plan in case of bad weather. Where do you go if there’s bad weather? What makes you confident in your safe place? Ask your kids how God can make them strong and confident when a storm comes their way.
AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters:
- Why was Paul so confident in the midst of a terrible storm?
- How can God give us that same strength?
- How can our strength make us a witness to other people?
AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: “Have your roots in him. Build yourselves up in him. Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.” Colossians 2:7 (NIrV)
PARENT TIME: What you need to know: When we let God become our strength, God can make us a witness to others. Our confidence and our faith can lead others to Jesus. Ask God to make you a strong, confident leader in your family, and ask Him to instill that same strength in your children as they grow in the Lord.
Wednesday LESSON 01/15
NBKIDS parents this evening we will have service at 7 PM. New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd Abq NM 87109. We only watch a small part of this video, if your kids want to watch the whole thing go ahead and share it with them!
Join Sunny and Chase and become GeoQuesters for an adventure around the world! Along the way we’ll learn about an amazing name of God! The GeoQ app will drop Sunny and Chase in a new and exciting location, and kids will get to help them figure out where they are … because they never know where they’re going until they get there! Once they land, we’ll play a game to figure out their location then hunt for a souvenir. Each time your child helps Sunny and Chase find a souvenir, it unlocks a clue about our next quest! Where could we be going this week? Here’s a hint: this island is completely snake free!
Need to Know: God Is My Shepherd
Bible Story: David
Bible Reference: Psalm 23
As your child watches this video, we want them to have fun and learn about Jesus on their level. We love to bring stories from the Bible to life because we want your child to know that it is the most amazing book that’s ever been written!
Sunday Lesson 1/12
NBKIDS parents be sure to join us this Sunday for service. This Sunday in NBKIDS at 9 and 11 we will be talking about Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10 . Please make sure you talk to your kids about it afterwards! Make sure your kids attend!
New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd ABQ NM 87109. Below is some info on what we went over and the short video we watched to accompany our lesson. Watch with your kids and partner with us to teach your kids the Bible!
IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Zacchaeus lived a sad and lonely life because he was a tax collector who stole a lot of money from people. Because of this not many people liked Zacchaeus. Then one day, Zacchaeus met Jesus. Jesus gave Zacchaeus the chance to put his faith in Him. When Zacchaeus put his faith in Jesus, his life was turned around! Not only did he have a friend in Jesus, but Zacchaeus learned how to be a friend to others as well. Use green bricks to construct the sycamore tree that gave Zacchaeus the chance to see Jesus. Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus
HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Talk to your kids this week about how to handle situations in your family where someone has wronged someone else. What kind of things can you do not only to show you are sorry, but set things right? Use real life examples if you can, and challenge your kids to think how they will handle these situations when they arise.
AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters:
- Why do you think Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus so badly?
- How did Zacchaeus show he was sorry for his sins?
- Why is it important to say we are sorry and make things right when we sin?
AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: “Have your roots in him. Build yourselves up in him. Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.” Colossians 2:7 (NIrV)
PARENT TIME: What you need to know: Repentance is more than saying, “I’m sorry.” It means we take the time to mend relationships and make things right. If there’s someone you have wronged, ask God to help you to mend that situation and make it up to the person you’ve hurt.
Wednesday Lesson 1/08
NBKIDS parents this evening we will have service at 7 PM. New Beginnings Church ABQ 4770 Montgomery Blvd Abq NM 87109. We only watch a small part of this video, if your kids want to watch the whole thing go ahead and share it with them!
Join Sunny and Chase and become GeoQuesters for an adventure around the world! Along the way we’ll learn about an amazing name of God! The GeoQ app will drop Sunny and Chase in a new and exciting location, and kids will get to help them figure out where they are … because they never know where they’re going until they get there! Once they land, we’ll play a game to figure out their location then hunt for a souvenir. Each time your child helps Sunny and Chase find a souvenir, it unlocks a clue about our next quest! Where could we be going this week? Here’s a hint: 60% of the Amazon rainforest is here!
Need to Know: God Is My Lord
Bible Story: Creation
Bible Reference: Genesis 1-2
As your child watches this video, we want them to have fun and learn about Jesus on their level. We love to bring stories from the Bible to life because we want your child to know that it is the most amazing book that’s ever been written!
NBKIDS is excited about having the opportunity to minister
to children ages 6 weeks - 5th grade.
The Children's Ministry at New Beginnings Church exists to introduce children to Jesus Christ, develop a relationship with Him, disciple children to live a life that reflects the love of Christ, and to learn how to share their relationship with Christ to others. In short, our purpose is to raise up children to know Christ, grown in Christ, and live like Christ: To Reach Up. Reach In. Reach Out.
4770 Montgomery Blvd NE
Preschool - 5th grade worship together. When worship concludes preschool aged children and elementary age kids split up and head to different classrooms where they learn biblical curriculum that is age appropriate.
NBKIDS Lesson & Activity
9:00 AM
NBKIDS Worship
11:00 AM
NBKIDS Worship
7:00 PM
Join this fantastic team of Children’s Church teachers that are geninely passionate about teaching the kids about our loving Savior, Jesus Christ!
Call Jessica Ramirez, NBC’s Children’s Minister at (505)883-9079 as soon as possible!
You’re gonna love it!
6wks – 18mos. are supervised so that their parents can enjoy the worship services in the main sanctuary.
19 mos. – 3yrs If your child is not potty trained and 3yrs old they will be attending this class. Each child participates in coloring exercises, group activity and given biblical principles based on the curriculum that is age appropriate.
3yrs – 5yrs Each child participates in coloring exercises, group activity and given biblical principles based on the curriculum that is age appropriate.
Kinder – 2nd grade Each child participates in coloring exercises, group activity and given biblical principles based on the curriculum that is age appropriate
3rd – 5th grade – Each child participates in coloring exercises, group activity and given biblical principles based on the curriculum that is age appropriate.
Come and see what God is doing!