1 Peter 4:10, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.”
DO YOU WANT TO BE SOMEONE THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE? JOIN OUR TEAM! CALL CHURCH OFFICE: (505)883-9079 or fill out the form below that includes a list of serving opportunities where you can grow.
WANT TO VOLUNTEER? Call (505)883-9079

Serve @ God’s Warehouse, a Ministry to the Homeless
We need your help! God’s Warehouse is a ministry dedicated to serve homeless men, women, and families that are struggling in Albuquerque. God’s Warehouse helps with a food pantry, clothing, and soup kitchen. God’s Warehouse is under the direction and supervision of Pastor Chuck Aragon. Want to help? Call Pastor Chuck at (505) 234-4251. www.godswarehouse.com