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Must Register (505)883-9079
Baptism Dress Code

Many people opt to wear a dark colored t-shirt and shorts. Of course, it’s important to remember that you are going to be getting wet, so don’t forget to wear appropriate undergarments. You don’t want to be overly exposed and turn your baptism into an embarrassing moment.

Avoid Wearing White
That way, you won’t have to worry about anything inappropriate happening. White becomes see-through when it is wet. Darker colors are a better choice.

Bring a Change of Clothes
It may sound obvious, but don’t forget to include a change of clothes. You probably don’t want to be wet and cold for the remainder of the service, so bring something you can change into.

Don’t Forget a Towel
Just as important as the change of clothes is to bring a towel.

If your child wishes to be baptized and is in 6th – 8th grade, PRIOR TO BAPTISMthe parents must call and set up an appointment with Youth Pastor AJ Romero at (505)883-9079.


03/01 Sisterhood Potluck Brunch!
03/01 Sisterhood Potluck Brunch!

What is the Next Steps Lunch? We’re so glad you asked.
Next Steps are provided to help you progress in your journey with Christ while becoming connected to New Beginnings Church (NBC). So no matter where you’re from, and where you are in your spiritual journey, we’ve got a way for you to continue to grow in your faith.
We also have ways for you to become an important part of what the Lord is doing at New Beginnings Church.
Imagine this for a moment: you’re enjoying a meal with new friends, hearing about the experiences and vision of our church from our senior pastor, Richard Mansfield and other ministry leaders where you have a chance to share your own story with those around your table.  We want to get to know you and we want you to get to know us!
It’s nothing fancy – just time together becoming a church family.  Afterward, we’ll enjoy a delicious dessert.

If you’re a parent – we will have childcare covered.

We can’t wait to share a meaningful meal and time together with you!


What is Child Dedication?
Children that are 12 years of age or younger are dedicated to the Lord. In the Bible, child dedication is a ceremony where parents commit to raising their child in faith and acknowledge God as a part of their family:
• Parents’ commitment
-Must register a child either on Church App: NBCABQ or
call the church office: (505)883-9079.
-Child’s parents must attend a Child Dedication Class prior
to the ceremony.
-Parents promise to raise their child in a godly way,
according to God’s Word, and not their own. They also
commit to praying for their child, setting a good example.
• Scriptural basis for Dedicating Children
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for thekingdom of God belongs to such as these” Mark 10:14 NIV.
• Child Dedication is modeled throughout the Bible:
-The Israelites brought their 8-day-old children to the priest
for blessing.
-Hannah brought her long-awaited son, Samuel, to the
priest to dedicate him to the Lord.
-Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple for
Child Dedication Services are typically the 2nd Sunday of every month. All services are subject to change.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
For more information, please call the Church Office (505)883-9079,
M-F 9am – 430pm, office closed from 1-230pm daily.

Must Register
Baptism Dress Code
Many people opt to wear a dark colored t-shirt and shorts. Of course, it’s important to remember that you are going to be getting wet, so don’t forget to wear appropriate undergarments. You don’t want to be overly exposed and turn your baptism into an embarrassing moment.

Avoid Wearing White
That way, you won’t have to worry about anything inappropriate happening. White becomes see-through when it is wet. Darker colors are a better choice.

Bring a Change of Clothes
It may sound obvious, but don’t forget to include a change of clothes. You probably don’t want to be wet and cold for the remainder of the service, so bring something you can change into.

Don’t Forget a Towel
Just as important as the change of clothes is to bring a towel.

If your child wishes to be baptized and is in 6th – 8th grade, PRIOR TO BAPTISMthe parents must call and set up an appointment with Youth Pastor AJ Romero at (505)883-9079.

YOUTH CAMP! 06/02 - 06/06